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Heally – 医疗应用UI Kit (Heally – Medical App UI Kit)

Heally – 医疗应用UI Kit (Heally – Medical App UI Kit)

, Heally - 医疗应用UI套件     ---   Heally是一个用于构建医疗应用程序的UI工具包。它可以记录用户的健康状况。这个应用程序提供了一个技术平台,帮助用户随时随地与高知名度的医生联系,快速获得专家的建议和评论。   这个UI套件是根据Atomi...

Heally – 医疗应用UI套件     —   Heally是一个用于构建医疗应用程序的UI工具包。它可以记录用户的健康状况。这个应用程序提供了一个技术平台,帮助用户随时随地与高知名度的医生联系,快速获得专家的建议和评论。   这个UI套件是根据Atomic设计基础设计的,因此所有的组件都是完全可定制的。Heally将加速和促进你的设计过程,并将帮助你开发一个出色的体验。       —     特点     每个屏幕都被设计得简单而醒目。它包括基于矢量的完全可定制的组件。我们使用4-8px的设计网格,以确保每一个环节的精确执行。所有的图层都组织得很好,会加速你的设计过程。   通过下载这个UI工具包,你可以自由地体验整个过程,并节省88个多小时的设计过程。   为Figma创建的这些风格指南可以快速、方便地提高您的应用程序的速度。   —     如果你想建立一个全栈式的网站和移动应用程序,我们的代理部可以帮助你。   ️让我们联系我们的支持!   我们所做的一切是为了带来令人惊叹的、美丽的、用户友好的产品,而且最重要的是,它是独特的,为你自己的业务要求而定制的。 向我们发送您的请求:orangebusinessss@gmail.com   需要帮助吗?请与我们联系:orangebusinessss@gmail.com

Heally – Medical App UI Kit — Heally is a UI Kit used for building a medical application. It can record the user’s health condition. This app provides a technology platform that helps users connect with high-profile doctors at any time and from anywhere, get the advice and reviews from experts quickly. This UI kit is designed according to Atomic design base so that all the components are fully customizable. Heally will accelerate and boost your design process and will help you develop an outstanding experience. — Feature Every screen was designed to be simple and striking. It includes fully customizable components based on vector. We use the 4-8px design grid to ensure precise execution at every turn. All layers are well-organized that will accelerate your design process. Feel free to go through the whole experience by downloading this UI Kit and saving 88+ hours of your design process Created for Figma these style guides are quick and easy to speeds up your app. — If you want to build a full stack Website & Mobile App, our Agency Department can help you. ️ Let’s contact us to be supported! We do everything to bring out stunning, beautiful, user-friendly product, and most of all that is unique and customized for your own business requirements. Send us your request: orangebusinessss@gmail.com Need help? Please contact us: orangebusinessss@gmail.com


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