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Fairpay 分离式账单App设计

Fairpay 分离式账单App设计

, Fairpay是一款帮助你和你的朋友无痛地管理和分摊共同费用的应用。它适用于你与朋友、室友、情侣的每一项活动。     你可以用这个应用程序做什么。   - 为任何分账情况创建小组或私人友情。 - 拍下收据/账单的照片,它将处理照片,拉出所有重要细节...

Fairpay是一款帮助你和你的朋友无痛地管理和分摊共同费用的应用。它适用于你与朋友、室友、情侣的每一项活动。     你可以用这个应用程序做什么。   – 为任何分账情况创建小组或私人友情。 – 拍下收据/账单的照片,它将处理照片,拉出所有重要细节。 – 添加费用,任何货币的借据,支持离线输入。 – 向你的朋友发送个人邀请链接,一起管理团体开支。每个参与者都可以完全访问小组的债务和数据。 – 追踪谁应该下一次付款,或通过记录现金支付或使用我们的集成来结算。 – 预算跟踪器跟踪你每月的经常性支出,以帮助你储蓄和预算。   ….,还有更多!   每个屏幕都是完全可定制的,易于使用,并且是用爱Sketch和Figma手工制作的。

Fairpay is an app to help you and your friends manage and split joint expenses painlessly. It’s suitable for every activity by you with friends, roommates, couples… What you can do with the app: – Create groups or private friendships for any splitting situation. – Snap a picture of the receipt/bill, and it will process the photos to pull out all the important details. – Add expenses, IOUs in any currency, with support for an offline entry. – Send a personal invitation link to your friend to manage group expenses together. Each participant has full access to the group’s debts and data. – Keep track of who should pay next, or settle up by recording cash payments or using our integrations. – Budget Tracker to track your month to month recurring spending to help you save and budget. ….and more! Each screen is fully customizable, easy to use, and handcrafted with love Sketch, and Figma.


本页地址:https://www.moreux.cn/21221.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 3147141550@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。





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