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艺术品 (Articlex)

艺术品 (Articlex)

, Articlex是一个文章/博客应用,也是一个混合的iOS应用设计平台。该部分的大部分设计可以轻松用于另一个平台。   它的界面简单而友好,界面很酷。基本上,这个应用设计平台将显示饲料作为博客/文章应用和单视图的样子。此外,还有不同类型的配置文件,有不同...

Articlex是一个文章/博客应用,也是一个混合的iOS应用设计平台。该部分的大部分设计可以轻松用于另一个平台。   它的界面简单而友好,界面很酷。基本上,这个应用设计平台将显示饲料作为博客/文章应用和单视图的样子。此外,还有不同类型的配置文件,有不同类型的设计版本。   还有用于帖子创作的屏幕,对任何用户来说都是非常简单易懂的。我试图让其他部分保持简单,如通知、设置、搜索、追随者和关注页面等。 它还包括这个应用程序设计的角落案例。   这里有300多个UI元素,75个屏幕和20多个图标。所有的屏幕都有良好的结构,并准备好输出。有feeds、single view、profile、post creations、search、followers & followings list + 更多的屏幕被添加。

Articlex is an article/blog app as well as a hybrid iOS app design platform. Most of the section’s design can be used for another platform easily. It is simple and user-friendly with the cool interface. Basically, this app design platform will show how the feed will look as a blog/article app and the single view. Also, there are different types of profiles with different types of design versions. There are also the screens for post creations which is so simple to understandable for any user. I tried to keep simple to other sections like the notifications, settings, search, followers & following pages etc. It also includes the corner cases of this app design. There are 300+ UI elements, 75+ Screens and 20+ icons included. All the screens are well structured and ready for export. There are feeds, single view, profile, post creations, search, followers & followings list + more screens are added.


本页地址:https://www.moreux.cn/19469.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 3147141550@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。





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