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Pheal – 服装App设计

Pheal – 服装App设计

, 许多人穿得灰头土脸,虽然有趣的图像甚至可以在大众市场的商店收集,同时不花几万卢布在此。    网上服装店正在努力制作时尚的蝴蝶结,但请记住,具有模特外表的人正在参加照片拍摄。    这是一个iOS应用程序,可以帮助你快速和有趣地选择每...

许多人穿得灰头土脸,虽然有趣的图像甚至可以在大众市场的商店收集,同时不花几万卢布在此。    网上服装店正在努力制作时尚的蝴蝶结,但请记住,具有模特外表的人正在参加照片拍摄。    这是一个iOS应用程序,可以帮助你快速和有趣地选择每天的正确外观。一个旨在简化选择造型过程的应用程序。扫描自己,添加你的位置,选择一个事件,是有趣的,并得到一个单独的外观。你不需要担心为一个事件穿什么。    该应用程序将为你做一切。   在我的Behance项目中查看这个模板的介绍:https://www.behance.net/gallery/89426323/Pheal-outfit-for-every-day-mobile-application   100%矢量可编辑和可扩展。颜色很容易改变。每幅插图都有组织,有名称,非常容易使用。

Many people dress grayly, although interesting images can be collected even in mass market stores, and at the same time do not spend several tens of thousands of rubles on this. Online clothing stores are trying to make fashionable bows, but keep in mind that people with a model appearance are participating in photo shoots. This is an iOS application that will help you quickly and interestingly choose the right look for every day. An application designed to simplify the process of choosing the look. Scan yourself, add your location, select an event and are interesting and get an individual look. You do not need to worry about what to wear for an event. The application will do everything for you. Check presentation for this Template in my Behance project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/89426323/Pheal-outfit-for-every-day-mobile-application 100% vector editable and scalable. The color is easy to change. Each illustration is organized, named & very easy to use.


本页地址:https://www.moreux.cn/17770.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 3147141550@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。





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