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Doctor Plus – For Doctor iOS UI Kit (Doctor Plus –

Doctor Plus – For Doctor iOS UI Kit (Doctor Plus –

, 你是一个医生,一个专家。Doctor Plus提供的工具可以帮助你快速与病人联系,你可以通过视频、语音或文字聊天在任何地方提供私人咨询而获得报酬--而且都是按照你的日程安排...   医生的功能。   - 通过视频、语音、即时聊天、在线预约等方式为病人提供私...

你是一个医生,一个专家。Doctor Plus提供的工具可以帮助你快速与病人联系,你可以通过视频、语音或文字聊天在任何地方提供私人咨询而获得报酬–而且都是按照你的日程安排…   医生的功能。   – 通过视频、语音、即时聊天、在线预约等方式为病人提供私人护理… – 管理您即将进行的和过去的咨询… – 检查病人的医疗报告,发送结论或答案,包括处方,分享有用的健康指南、提示、话题……以帮助病人尽快康复。 – 通过搜索和查看病人历史和以前的治疗,轻松管理病人。 – 回答用户发布的免费公开问题,提高你在全世界患者中的声誉。 – 为你的病人创建和分享有用的提示、话题和健康指南,建立你的声誉。 – 通过更好地帮助你的病人来赚取和管理你的收入。 …和更多…

You are a Doctor, an Expert. Doctor Plus provides tools to help you connect with patients quickly and you can get paid for providing private consults by video, voice, or text chat from anywhere — and all on your schedule… Features for Doctors: – Provide Private Care to patients via video, voice, live chat, online appointment… – Manage your Upcoming and past consults… – Check patient’s Medical Reports, send conclusions or answers included Prescriptions, share useful Health Guides, Tips, Topics…to help patients get better soon. – Manage patients easily by search and view patient history and previous treatments. – Answer free open questions posted by users and enhance your reputation among patients in the world. – Create and share useful Tips, Topics and Health Guides for your patients and build your reputation. – Earn and manage your income by helping your patients in a better way. …and more…


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